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Author Podcast - Daisy Khan
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Born with Wings (2018​)

The dramatic, spiritual memoir of a prominent Muslim woman working to empower women and girls across the world.


Raised in a progressive Muslim family in the shadows of the Himalayan mountains, where she attended a Catholic girls’ school, Daisy experienced culture shock when her family sent her to the States to attend high school in a mostly Jewish Long Island suburb. Ambitious and talented, she quickly climbed the corporate ladder after college as an architectural designer in New York City. Though she loved the freedom that came with being a career woman, she felt that something was missing from her life. One day a friend suggested that she visit a Sufi mosque in Tribeca. To her surprise, she discovered a home there, eventually marrying the mosque’s imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, and finding herself, as his wife, at the center of a community in which women turned to her for advice. Guided by her faith, she embraced her role as a women’s advocate and has devised innovative ways to help end child marriage, fight against genital mutilation, and, most recently, educate young Muslims to resist the false promises of ISIS recruiters.


Born with Wings is a powerful, moving, and eye-opening account of Daisy Khan’s inspiring journey—of her self-actualization and her success in opening doors for other Muslim women and building bridges between cultures. It powerfully demonstrates what one woman can do —with faith, love, and resilience.

Available in Hardcopy, Kindle and Audiobook 

Published in India by Penguin Random House

Book Also Available In


Sri Lanka





“[Khan] passionately tells her singular life story in this fine memoir. Readers will be entranced as they see Khan’s persistent fight for peaceful dialogue in a world sometimes torn apart by religious conflict and misunderstanding...a testament to courage and resilience as well as an important chapter in the story of American Muslims and women of faith.”--

Publisher's Weekly Starred Review


“I was immensely moved by Born with Wings, a heart-felt, a deeply personal and touching account of a sister Muslim’s spiritual journey and work to empower women and girls around the globe."

Her Majesty Queen Noor

Readers' Reviews

“Khan mixes her personal experience with the public hounding she received by fanatics. Her wisdom, her journey, and her knowledge of the scriptures brings out the best in her religion with concrete ways to respond to the lies and misinterpretations perpetrated by hijackers of her faith….”

NY Reader, Amazon



Khan served as Executive Editor for WISE Up: Knowledge Ends Extremism, a 2017 publication she led in collaboration with 72 contributors. WISE Up is aimed at empowering Muslims and the general public with the knowledge and resources to discredit extremist ideology and prevent Islamophobia.

Available for purchase


“WISE Up brings a wide range of wise voices to the analysis of issues critical for the American Muslim community and for all Americans – the challenges of Islam in America, Islamic responses to extremist ideology, preventing extremist recruitment. We urgently need to hear the sixty Muslim men and women, scholars and activists, civic and religious leaders who have contributed to this critically important report.”

Diana Eck, Ph.D., Professor of Comparative Religion and Indian Studies, Harvard University, Director of the Pluralism Project

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